Student Solution


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Q QUESTION: Choose an idea or passage that strikes you for some reason in Chapter 6 of Writing With Style. Start by quoting it (and you may use ... to shorten longer quotes) Was it surprising? Good advice? A new perspective? A valuable reminder? Kind of annoying? Share the specific idea and your response (3-5 sentences) here.

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John Trimble in his Writing with style emphasises on Diction in chapter 6. He places several critical questions and reasoning nowadays in writing on the usage of terms and vocabulary. He says, “A skilled writer writes as if she were paid a dime for each word she deletes." Many fascinating and original words may be used by a writer; but if they don't enable them to compose a proper writing then, they are of no use. Writing ought to be concise enough for the reader to know what is the subject matter of the writing and also does not feel lost or confused while reading.